Remove Whitespace
Public Shared Function RemoveWhitespace(ByVal
str As String) As String
Return New
Regex("\s*").Replace(str, String.Empty)
Catch generatedExceptionName As
Return str
End Try
End Function
Remove Duplicates
Dim dt As New DataTable()
dt = RemoveDuplicates(ds.Tables(0))
End If
Shared Function RemoveDuplicates(ByVal dt As DataTable) As DataTable
Return ( _
From row In dt.Rows.OfType(Of DataRow)() _
Group row By GroupKey = row.Field(Of Int64)("PKProductID") Into g = Group _
Select g.OrderBy(Function(r) r.Field(Of Int64)("PKProductID")).First()).CopyToDataTable()
Return ( _
From row In dt.Rows.OfType(Of DataRow)() _
Group row By GroupKey = row.Field(Of Int64)("PKProductID") Into g = Group _
Select g.OrderBy(Function(r) r.Field(Of Int64)("PKProductID")).First()).CopyToDataTable()
End Function
--------------------- ( OR ) -----------------------------------
Public Shared Function RemoveDuplicateStores(ByVal dTable As DataTable, ByVal colName As String) As DataTable
Dim hTable As New Hashtable()
Dim duplicateList As New ArrayList()
'Add list of all the unique item value to hashtable, which stores combination of key, value pair.
'And add duplicate item value in arraylist.
For Each drow1 As DataRow In dTable.Rows
If hTable.Contains(drow1(colName)) Then
hTable.Add(drow1(colName), String.Empty)
End If
'Removing a list of duplicate items from datatable.
For Each drow2 As DataRow In duplicateList
'Datatable which contains unique records will be return as output.
Return dTable
End Function
Dim hTable As New Hashtable()
Dim duplicateList As New ArrayList()
'Add list of all the unique item value to hashtable, which stores combination of key, value pair.
'And add duplicate item value in arraylist.
For Each drow1 As DataRow In dTable.Rows
If hTable.Contains(drow1(colName)) Then
hTable.Add(drow1(colName), String.Empty)
End If
'Removing a list of duplicate items from datatable.
For Each drow2 As DataRow In duplicateList
'Datatable which contains unique records will be return as output.
Return dTable
End Function
''' <summary>
''' This funcation escape the some characters
''' </summary>
''' <param name="tempQuery"></param>
''' <returns name="return the query string without parmeters"></returns>
''' <remarks></remarks>
''' This funcation escape the some characters
''' </summary>
''' <param name="tempQuery"></param>
''' <returns name="return the query string without parmeters"></returns>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public Shared Function RemoveSpecialCharacters(ByVal tempQuery As String) As String
tempQuery = tempQuery.ToLower
Dim strEscape() As String = {"#", """", """, "\u0022", "'", "\u0027", "&", "\u0026", "<", "<", "\u003c", ">", ">", "\u003e", "'"}
For Each s As String In strEscape
tempQuery = tempQuery.Replace(HttpUtility.UrlEncode(s), "")
tempQuery = tempQuery.Replace("""", "")
tempQuery = tempQuery.Replace("%27", "")
Return tempQuery
End Function
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