Protected Sub btnSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click
If cc.UserValidated Then
Dim subject As String = "Order Return Information"
Dim retFormate As String = Server.MapPath("Return_Order Success Mail Formate.txt")
Dim oRead As StreamReader
oRead = IO.File.OpenText(retFormate)
Dim intLineCounter As Integer
Dim Str As String = String.Empty
intLineCounter = 0
Do While oRead.Peek() <> -1
Str += oRead.ReadLine + Environment.NewLine
Dim CustomerName As String = txtfirstname.Text.Trim() & " " & txtlastname.Text.Trim()
Dim CustomerEmailID As String = txtemailid.Text.Trim()
Dim CustomerCaseNumber As String = CaseNumber.ToString()
Dim CustomerShippingAddress As String = txtAddress.Text.Trim()
Dim CustomerCellPhoneNumber As String = txtPhone.Text.Trim()
Dim CustomerWatchModel As String = txtWatchModel.Text.Trim()
Dim PurchaseDate As String = Request.Form("CAT_Custom_133843")
If PurchaseDate <> "" Then
PurchaseDate = PurchaseDate
PurchaseDate = "N/A"
End If
Dim ReasonForReturn As String = String.Empty
If txtMessage.Text <> "" Then
ReasonForReturn = txtMessage.Text.Trim()
ReasonForReturn = "N/A"
End If
Str = Str.Replace("<@CustomerName@>", CustomerName)
Str = Str.Replace("<@CustomerEmailID@>", CustomerEmailID)
Str = Str.Replace("<@CustomerCaseNumber@>", CustomerCaseNumber)
Str = Str.Replace("<@CustomerShippingAddress@>", CustomerShippingAddress)
Str = Str.Replace("<@CustomerCellPhoneNumber@>", CustomerCellPhoneNumber)
Str = Str.Replace("<@CustomerWatchModel@>", CustomerWatchModel)
Str = Str.Replace("<@PurchaseDate@>", PurchaseDate)
Str = Str.Replace("<@ReasonForReturn@>", ReasonForReturn)
Dim AdminsEmail As String = AdministratorBO.GetAllAdministratorToSendMailTo()
EmailUtil.SendMail(SystemSettingsBO.GetSettings("CustomerServiceEmail"), AdminsEmail, "", "", Net.Mail.MailPriority.Normal, subject, MailFormat.Html, Str, "")
lblSuccessmsg.Text = "Thank you for your submission."
cc.Text = "<b>Enter the code shown above: </b>"
End If
Catch ex As Exception
ErrorLog.XMLError("Error at btnSubmit Event", ex)
End Try
End Sub
Public Shared Function GetAllAdministratorToSendMailTo() As String
Dim ds As DataSet = AdministratorDB.GetAllAdministratorToSendMailTo()
Dim BCCAddress As String = ""
'Dim i As Integer
Dim count As Integer = ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count
For Each dr As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows
BCCAddress &= dr("EmailId") & ";"
Return BCCAddress.TrimEnd(";")
If Not IsNothing(ds) Then 'dataset disposing part added by venkat on 31 Dec 09
ds = Nothing
End If
End Function
Public Shared Sub SendMail(ByVal strFrom As String, ByVal strTo As String, ByVal strCC As String, ByVal strBcc As String, ByVal strPriority As Rebex.Mail.MailPriority, ByVal strSubject As String, ByVal strBodyFormat As MailFormat, ByVal strBody As String, ByVal strAttachment As String, Optional ByVal SenderName As String = "")
Dim _smtp As New Smtp
'Dim SystemSettingsBO.GetSettings("As") SettingsInfo = (New SettingsBO).GetAllSettings()
Dim MailMsg As New Rebex.Mail.MailMessage
If strFrom <> "" Then
If SenderName <> "" Then
MailMsg.From.Add(New Rebex.Mime.Headers.MailAddress(strFrom, SenderName)) '= New MailAddress(strFrom)
MailMsg.From.Add(New Rebex.Mime.Headers.MailAddress(strFrom)) '= New MailAddress(strFrom)
End If
MailMsg.From.Add(SystemSettingsBO.GetSettings("CustomerServiceEmail")) '= New MailAddress(SystemSettingsBO.GetSettings("CustomerServiceEmail"))
End If
If strTo <> "" Then
Dim strToArray As String()
strToArray = strTo.Split(";")
Dim ToInt As Integer = strToArray.Length
Dim Tocount As Integer = 0
While Tocount < ToInt
Tocount = Tocount + 1
End While
Throw New Exception("No TO Address Specified")
End If
If strCC <> "" Then
Dim strccArray As String()
strccArray = strCC.Split(";")
Dim ccInt As Integer = strccArray.Length
Dim ccCount As Integer = 0
While ccCount < ccInt
ccCount = ccCount + 1
End While
End If
If strBcc <> "" Then
Dim strBccArray As String()
strBccArray = strBcc.Split(";")
Dim BccInt As Integer = strBccArray.Length
Dim BccCount As Integer = 0
While BccCount < BccInt
BccCount = BccCount + 1
End While
End If
MailMsg.Priority = strPriority
MailMsg.Subject = strSubject
If Not HttpContext.Current Is Nothing Then
If HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.ToString.Contains("SendEmail.aspx") OrElse HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.ToString.Contains("return_form.aspx") Then
strBody = strBody.Replace(vbCrLf, "<br>")
strBody = strBody.Replace(vbCr, "<br>")
strBody = strBody.Replace(vbLf, "<br>")
End If
End If
strBody = strBody.Replace("<", "<")
strBody = strBody.Replace(">", ">")
strBody = strBody.Replace(""", """")
strBody = strBody.Replace("&", "&")
strBody = strBody.Replace("../", "" & SystemSettingsBO.GetSettings("BusinessWebAddress") & "") ''Added by team7k for isssue Id# 1534
MailMsg.BodyHtml = strBody
'If strBodyFormat = MailFormat.Html Then
' MailMsg.BodyHtml = strBody
' MailMsg.BodyText = strBody
'End If
If strAttachment <> "" Then
Dim strAttachmentArray As String()
strAttachmentArray = strAttachment.Split(";")
Dim AttachmentInt As Integer = strAttachmentArray.Length
Dim AttachmentCount As Integer = 0
While AttachmentCount < AttachmentInt
MailMsg.Attachments.Add(New Rebex.Mail.Attachment(strAttachmentArray(AttachmentCount)))
AttachmentCount = AttachmentCount + 1
End While
End If
_smtp.Connect(SystemSettingsBO.GetSettings("SMTPServer"), SystemSettingsBO.GetSettings("SMTPPort"))
_smtp.Timeout = 300000 'Included by geetha on 21/10/2008
' login if needed
If SystemSettingsBO.GetSettings("SMTPServerUserName") <> "" And SystemSettingsBO.GetSettings("SMTPServerPassword") <> "" Then
_smtp.Login(SystemSettingsBO.GetSettings("SMTPServerUserName"), SystemSettingsBO.GetSettings("SMTPServerPassword"))
'Else 'commednted by geetha on 11/11/2008
' ErrorLog.Log("Receipt has not been sent.", MessageType.Log)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
ErrorLog.XMLError("SendMail", ex)
'ErrorLog.Log("Receipt has not been sent.", MessageType.Log)'commented by geetha on 11/11/2008 as it being handled in helper class.
Throw ex
MailMsg = Nothing
End Try
End Sub
<div class="webform-results">
<table class="tabledefault">
<td id="title">
<strong>Return form submission summary:</strong><br>
<td id="name">
<strong>Your Name</strong><br>
<td id="email">
<strong>Email Address</strong><br>
<td id="casenumber">
<strong>Case Number</strong><br>
<td id="shippingaddress">
<strong>Shipping Address</strong><br>
<td id="cellphone">
<strong>Cell Phone Number</strong><br>
<td id="customfields">
<table class="tabledefault">
<td id="CAT_Custom_133845">
<strong>WATCH MODEL</strong><br>
<td id="CAT_Custom_133843">
<strong>PURCHASE DATE</strong><br>
<td id="CAT_Custom_133844">
<strong>REASON FOR RETURN</strong><br>
If cc.UserValidated Then
Dim subject As String = "Order Return Information"
Dim retFormate As String = Server.MapPath("Return_Order Success Mail Formate.txt")
Dim oRead As StreamReader
oRead = IO.File.OpenText(retFormate)
Dim intLineCounter As Integer
Dim Str As String = String.Empty
intLineCounter = 0
Do While oRead.Peek() <> -1
Str += oRead.ReadLine + Environment.NewLine
Dim CustomerName As String = txtfirstname.Text.Trim() & " " & txtlastname.Text.Trim()
Dim CustomerEmailID As String = txtemailid.Text.Trim()
Dim CustomerCaseNumber As String = CaseNumber.ToString()
Dim CustomerShippingAddress As String = txtAddress.Text.Trim()
Dim CustomerCellPhoneNumber As String = txtPhone.Text.Trim()
Dim CustomerWatchModel As String = txtWatchModel.Text.Trim()
Dim PurchaseDate As String = Request.Form("CAT_Custom_133843")
If PurchaseDate <> "" Then
PurchaseDate = PurchaseDate
PurchaseDate = "N/A"
End If
Dim ReasonForReturn As String = String.Empty
If txtMessage.Text <> "" Then
ReasonForReturn = txtMessage.Text.Trim()
ReasonForReturn = "N/A"
End If
Str = Str.Replace("<@CustomerName@>", CustomerName)
Str = Str.Replace("<@CustomerEmailID@>", CustomerEmailID)
Str = Str.Replace("<@CustomerCaseNumber@>", CustomerCaseNumber)
Str = Str.Replace("<@CustomerShippingAddress@>", CustomerShippingAddress)
Str = Str.Replace("<@CustomerCellPhoneNumber@>", CustomerCellPhoneNumber)
Str = Str.Replace("<@CustomerWatchModel@>", CustomerWatchModel)
Str = Str.Replace("<@PurchaseDate@>", PurchaseDate)
Str = Str.Replace("<@ReasonForReturn@>", ReasonForReturn)
Dim AdminsEmail As String = AdministratorBO.GetAllAdministratorToSendMailTo()
EmailUtil.SendMail(SystemSettingsBO.GetSettings("CustomerServiceEmail"), AdminsEmail, "", "", Net.Mail.MailPriority.Normal, subject, MailFormat.Html, Str, "")
lblSuccessmsg.Text = "Thank you for your submission."
cc.Text = "<b>Enter the code shown above: </b>"
End If
Catch ex As Exception
ErrorLog.XMLError("Error at btnSubmit Event", ex)
End Try
End Sub
Public Shared Function GetAllAdministratorToSendMailTo() As String
Dim ds As DataSet = AdministratorDB.GetAllAdministratorToSendMailTo()
Dim BCCAddress As String = ""
'Dim i As Integer
Dim count As Integer = ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count
For Each dr As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows
BCCAddress &= dr("EmailId") & ";"
Return BCCAddress.TrimEnd(";")
If Not IsNothing(ds) Then 'dataset disposing part added by venkat on 31 Dec 09
ds = Nothing
End If
End Function
Public Shared Sub SendMail(ByVal strFrom As String, ByVal strTo As String, ByVal strCC As String, ByVal strBcc As String, ByVal strPriority As Rebex.Mail.MailPriority, ByVal strSubject As String, ByVal strBodyFormat As MailFormat, ByVal strBody As String, ByVal strAttachment As String, Optional ByVal SenderName As String = "")
Dim _smtp As New Smtp
'Dim SystemSettingsBO.GetSettings("As") SettingsInfo = (New SettingsBO).GetAllSettings()
Dim MailMsg As New Rebex.Mail.MailMessage
If strFrom <> "" Then
If SenderName <> "" Then
MailMsg.From.Add(New Rebex.Mime.Headers.MailAddress(strFrom, SenderName)) '= New MailAddress(strFrom)
MailMsg.From.Add(New Rebex.Mime.Headers.MailAddress(strFrom)) '= New MailAddress(strFrom)
End If
MailMsg.From.Add(SystemSettingsBO.GetSettings("CustomerServiceEmail")) '= New MailAddress(SystemSettingsBO.GetSettings("CustomerServiceEmail"))
End If
If strTo <> "" Then
Dim strToArray As String()
strToArray = strTo.Split(";")
Dim ToInt As Integer = strToArray.Length
Dim Tocount As Integer = 0
While Tocount < ToInt
Tocount = Tocount + 1
End While
Throw New Exception("No TO Address Specified")
End If
If strCC <> "" Then
Dim strccArray As String()
strccArray = strCC.Split(";")
Dim ccInt As Integer = strccArray.Length
Dim ccCount As Integer = 0
While ccCount < ccInt
ccCount = ccCount + 1
End While
End If
If strBcc <> "" Then
Dim strBccArray As String()
strBccArray = strBcc.Split(";")
Dim BccInt As Integer = strBccArray.Length
Dim BccCount As Integer = 0
While BccCount < BccInt
BccCount = BccCount + 1
End While
End If
MailMsg.Priority = strPriority
MailMsg.Subject = strSubject
If Not HttpContext.Current Is Nothing Then
If HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.ToString.Contains("SendEmail.aspx") OrElse HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.ToString.Contains("return_form.aspx") Then
strBody = strBody.Replace(vbCrLf, "<br>")
strBody = strBody.Replace(vbCr, "<br>")
strBody = strBody.Replace(vbLf, "<br>")
End If
End If
strBody = strBody.Replace("<", "<")
strBody = strBody.Replace(">", ">")
strBody = strBody.Replace(""", """")
strBody = strBody.Replace("&", "&")
strBody = strBody.Replace("../", "" & SystemSettingsBO.GetSettings("BusinessWebAddress") & "") ''Added by team7k for isssue Id# 1534
MailMsg.BodyHtml = strBody
'If strBodyFormat = MailFormat.Html Then
' MailMsg.BodyHtml = strBody
' MailMsg.BodyText = strBody
'End If
If strAttachment <> "" Then
Dim strAttachmentArray As String()
strAttachmentArray = strAttachment.Split(";")
Dim AttachmentInt As Integer = strAttachmentArray.Length
Dim AttachmentCount As Integer = 0
While AttachmentCount < AttachmentInt
MailMsg.Attachments.Add(New Rebex.Mail.Attachment(strAttachmentArray(AttachmentCount)))
AttachmentCount = AttachmentCount + 1
End While
End If
_smtp.Connect(SystemSettingsBO.GetSettings("SMTPServer"), SystemSettingsBO.GetSettings("SMTPPort"))
_smtp.Timeout = 300000 'Included by geetha on 21/10/2008
' login if needed
If SystemSettingsBO.GetSettings("SMTPServerUserName") <> "" And SystemSettingsBO.GetSettings("SMTPServerPassword") <> "" Then
_smtp.Login(SystemSettingsBO.GetSettings("SMTPServerUserName"), SystemSettingsBO.GetSettings("SMTPServerPassword"))
'Else 'commednted by geetha on 11/11/2008
' ErrorLog.Log("Receipt has not been sent.", MessageType.Log)
End If
Catch ex As Exception
ErrorLog.XMLError("SendMail", ex)
'ErrorLog.Log("Receipt has not been sent.", MessageType.Log)'commented by geetha on 11/11/2008 as it being handled in helper class.
Throw ex
MailMsg = Nothing
End Try
End Sub
Text of .txt file
---------------------<div class="webform-results">
<table class="tabledefault">
<td id="title">
<strong>Return form submission summary:</strong><br>
<td id="name">
<strong>Your Name</strong><br>
<td id="email">
<strong>Email Address</strong><br>
<td id="casenumber">
<strong>Case Number</strong><br>
<td id="shippingaddress">
<strong>Shipping Address</strong><br>
<td id="cellphone">
<strong>Cell Phone Number</strong><br>
<td id="customfields">
<table class="tabledefault">
<td id="CAT_Custom_133845">
<strong>WATCH MODEL</strong><br>
<td id="CAT_Custom_133843">
<strong>PURCHASE DATE</strong><br>
<td id="CAT_Custom_133844">
<strong>REASON FOR RETURN</strong><br>
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